Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You've gone out of town . You do call at nite but you say nothing and it's almost as if it's so youcan say you did. You even fell asleep while I was trying to tell you something. You give ur best to the people youwork with and I'm sure to her. I don't even get left overs I get nothing. Why do I even try.. You don't why do I even care you don't . This will never change.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today I decided to confront. He has said I don't so I proved him wrong and did.

I questioned his working late. Told him the kids asked where he was xnd why he works all the rme one even questioned if he was is he having an affair...

Highlights of what was said
He doesn't have the energy to work on our relationship
Communication with me is nothing but frustrating and too much work
He has no expectations
He feels like he owes me nothing
He loves me but doesn't like me
Christians have dissdpointnted him and let him down
He doesn't want to do things to help my vain imaginations because it will never be enough I will always want more.

What I got
I'm not worth the fight
I'm too much to much frustration
Our relationship is bad and there isn't anything he wants to do about it bc it's too much work
He gave me everything he had and it did no good it forever changed him and he will never go back
He isn't who I married
Basically he has given up

Isn't life grand

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nothing was ever said about Sunday ... Things have been ... Well no I'll words. He worked till 3:30 in morning Tuesday and 1:30 Wednesday and midnight last nite... No call nothing ... It's almost as if he thinks he owes me nothing. This time I really don't care... I'm almost to that point that I was worried was coming.